January 14, 2025
My name is Alma Walker. My wife Tasha and I live in Corinne and have five children
between the ages of 6 and 12 years old. We currently own and operate a small Raw milk dairy
farm here in Corinne called Harmony Homestead. We love raising our kids here and the
opportunity to get them involved in agriculture.
I was born and raised here in Corinne and have a great love for this community. I learned
so much growing up on our family farm working alongside my dad, uncles, and cousins. Beyond
my own families farm I have also milked cows, built steel fences, and mowed lawns. In high
school I participated in FFA – competing at nationals in ag mechanics, received the Eagle Scout
award, and even managed to land my dream job working for the LDS church farm! Ha! Ha! ��
In 2010 my wife and I were married and moved out of the area to pursue a career in law
enforcement. I was an Idaho State Trooper in Burley Idaho and absolutely loved my job. As our
family grew, we decided to move back to Utah and raise our kids closer to family. In 2015, we
made a leap of faith and bought a small dairy farm here in Corinne, only about a mile from
where I grew up. My dad and uncles are still operating their farm just up the road from where I
live now.
A lot has changed in our community since I was a kid running wild on my dad’s farm.
The dairy I once milked cows for at age 12 has since closed up and been sold. My parents’ quiet
country road is now a well-traveled highway. My dad no longer bales small bales, (thank
goodness!!!). Change can be difficult but so good at the same time. Within my own business we
have changed our operation from a 120-cow conventional dairy to a small raw milk for retail
dairy. It was a hard choice, but because we made that change, we still get to do what we love.
This experience has taught me to find positive solutions even when faced with hard choices.
This is the reason I would like to be considered for the water board. I know I will
contribute in a positive way to the decisions and conversations that are here in our community. I
have deep roots here with family and agriculture. I understand the need to preserve our important
ways of life. I’m also young enough to relate with those hoping to build their futures here. I
would like to be part of the solutions here in our community.
Thank you for your consideration,
Alma Walker