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Colton Rasmussen is running for the West Corinne Water Board with a deep commitment to the community he loves. A devoted husband and father of four, Colton has invested much of his life in Corinne and plans to spend the rest of his days here with his family, his company and his land. Growing up in a farming community, he witnessed firsthand the transformation of his hometown from a rural area into an overcrowded, overpopulated are that was unrecongizable from when he was a youjng man. Colton understands the inevitable growth Corinne will experience and is dedicated to ensuring that the West Corinne Water company remains financially healthy and has the infrastructure needed to support growth. 

His goal is to balance progress with preservation, protecting the legacy of farming while creating opportunities for future generations. He wants to make sure that the children and grandchildren of farmers can stay in the area, continue their family's hard work, and have access to resources like water taps. Colton's vision is to safeguard the agriculture heritage of the Box Elder area while ensuring it can grow sustainably and support the needs of both current and future residents. This is the place he has always dreamed of living, and he hopes it will be the same for his family for generations to come. 


-Colton Rasmussen